[john-dev] error when compiling the latest version of JtR bleeding on Centos 6 and 7
2018-03-21 16:36:51 UTC
I get an error when compiling the latest version of JtR bleeding on Centos 6
and 7.

Can this please get corrected?

The same bleeding code successfully compiles in Cygwin.

I first started seeing this in early February. My Centos is up to date.

Error on Centos 6 and 7 (the file ../run/john does compile/get created):

gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -m64 -g -O2 -I/usr/local/include -DARCH_LITTLE_ENDIAN=1
-Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-omit-frame-pointer
-Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wunused-but-set-variable -std=gnu89
-D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -Wno-unused-function -c
secp256k1.c -o secp256k1.o

ar -rs secp256k1.a secp256k1.o

ar: creating secp256k1.a

make[2]: Leaving directory `/JohnTheRipper/src/secp256k1'

gcc jumbo.o john-mpi.o DES_fmt.o DES_std.o DES_bs.o DES_bs_b.o BSDI_fmt.o
MD5_fmt.o MD5_std.o md5crypt_common.o BF_fmt.o BF_std.o BF_common.o
scrypt_fmt.o escrypt/crypto_scrypt-best.o escrypt/crypto_scrypt-common.o
escrypt/sha256.o AFS_fmt.o LM_fmt.o trip_fmt.o NT_fmt.o KeccakDuplex.o
KeccakF-1600-opt64.o KeccakHash.o KeccakSponge.o whirlpool.o haval.o skein.o
md2.o panama.o timer.o omp_autotune.o md5.o rc4.o hmacmd5.o base64_convert.o
md4.o sha2.o dynamic_fmt.o dynamic_parser.o dynamic_preloads.o
dynamic_utils.o dynamic_big_crypt.o dynamic_compiler.o
dynamic_compiler_lib.o ripemd.o tiger.o unrarcmd.o unrarfilter.o unrarhlp.o
unrar.o unrarppm.o unrarvm.o rar2john.o zip2john.o pkzip.o 7z_fmt_plug.o
AzureAD_common_plug.o AzureAD_fmt_plug.o BFEgg_fmt_plug.o DMD5_fmt_plug.o
DOMINOSEC8_fmt_plug.o DOMINOSEC_fmt_plug.o EPI_fmt_plug.o FGT_fmt_plug.o
HDAA_fmt_plug.o IPB2_fmt_plug.o KRB4_fmt_plug.o KRB4_std_plug.o
KRB5_fmt_plug.o KRB5_std_plug.o MSCHAPv2_bs_fmt_plug.o NETLM_fmt_plug.o
NETLMv2_fmt_plug.o NETNTLM_bs_fmt_plug.o NETNTLMv2_fmt_plug.o
NETSPLITLM_fmt_plug.o NS_fmt_plug.o PHPS2_fmt_plug.o PHPS_fmt_plug.o
PO_fmt_plug.o SKEY_fmt_plug.o SKEY_jtr_plug.o SybaseASE_fmt_plug.o
SybasePROP_fmt_plug.o XSHA512_fmt_plug.o XSHA_fmt_plug.o aes_ccm_plug.o
agilekeychain_fmt_plug.o aix_smd5_fmt_plug.o aix_ssha_fmt_plug.o
androidfde_fmt_plug.o ansible_common_plug.o ansible_fmt_plug.o
argon2_core_plug.o argon2_encoding_plug.o argon2_fmt_plug.o
argon2_opt_plug.o argon2_plug.o argon2_ref_plug.o as400_des_fmt_plug.o
as400_ssha1_fmt_plug.o asaMD5_fmt_plug.o asn1_plug.o axcrypt_fmt_plug.o
bcrypt_pbkdf_plug.o bestcrypt_fmt_plug.o bitcoin_fmt_plug.o
bitlocker_common_plug.o bitlocker_fmt_plug.o bitshares_fmt_plug.o
bitwarden_common_plug.o bitwarden_fmt_plug.o bks_fmt_plug.o
blackberry_ES10_fmt_plug.o blake256_plug.o blake2b-ref_plug.o blake2b_plug.o
blf_plug.o blockchain_common_plug.o blockchain_fmt_plug.o chacha_plug.o
chap_fmt_plug.o citrix_ns_fmt_plug.o clipperz_srp_fmt_plug.o
cloudkeychain_fmt_plug.o cq_fmt_plug.o crc32_fmt_plug.o dahua_fmt_plug.o
dashlane_common_plug.o dashlane_fmt_plug.o django_fmt_plug.o
django_scrypt_fmt_plug.o dmg_common_plug.o dmg_fmt_plug.o dpapimk_fmt_plug.o
dragonfly3_fmt_plug.o dragonfly4_fmt_plug.o drupal7_fmt_plug.o
dynamic_compiler_fmt_plug.o ecryptfs_fmt_plug.o eigrp_fmt_plug.o
electrum_fmt_plug.o encfs_common_plug.o encfs_fmt_plug.o
enpass_common_plug.o enpass_fmt_plug.o episerver_fmt_plug.o
ethereum_common_plug.o ethereum_fmt_plug.o feal8_plug.o
formspring_fmt_plug.o fvde_common_plug.o fvde_fmt_plug.o geli_common_plug.o
geli_fmt_plug.o gost3411-2012-sse41_plug.o gost3411-tables_plug.o
gost_fmt_plug.o gpg_common_plug.o gpg_fmt_plug.o groestl_plug.o
has160_fmt_plug.o has160_plug.o haval_fmt_plug.o hmacMD5_fmt_plug.o
hmacSHA1_fmt_plug.o hmacSHA256_fmt_plug.o hmacSHA512_fmt_plug.o
hmac_sha_plug.o hmailserver_fmt_plug.o hsrp_fmt_plug.o idea_plug.o
ike_fmt_plug.o itunes_common_plug.o itunes_fmt_plug.o iwork_common_plug.o
iwork_fmt_plug.o jh_plug.o keccak_plug.o keepass_common_plug.o
keepass_fmt_plug.o keychain_fmt_plug.o keyring_fmt_plug.o
keystore_common_plug.o keystore_fmt_plug.o known_hosts_fmt_plug.o
krb5_asrep_common_plug.o krb5_asrep_fmt_plug.o krb5_common_plug.o
krb5_db_fmt_plug.o krb5_tgs_fmt_plug.o krb5pa-md5_fmt_plug.o
krb5pa-sha1_fmt_plug.o kwallet_fmt_plug.o lastpass_cli_common_plug.o
lastpass_cli_fmt_plug.o lastpass_common_plug.o lastpass_fmt_plug.o
lastpass_sniffed_fmt_plug.o leet_cc_fmt_plug.o libreoffice_common_plug.o
libreoffice_fmt_plug.o lotus5_fmt_plug.o lotus85_fmt_plug.o luks_fmt_plug.o
md2_fmt_plug.o mdc2_fmt_plug.o mdc2dgst_plug.o mediawiki_fmt_plug.o
monero_fmt_plug.o money_fmt_plug.o mongodb_fmt_plug.o
mongodb_scram_fmt_plug.o mozilla_ng_fmt_plug.o mscash1_fmt_plug.o
mscash2_fmt_plug.o mscash_common_plug.o mssql-old_fmt_plug.o
mssql05_fmt_plug.o mssql12_fmt_plug.o multibit_fmt_plug.o
mysqlSHA1_fmt_plug.o mysql_fmt_plug.o mysql_netauth_fmt_plug.o
net_ah_fmt_plug.o net_md5_fmt_plug.o net_sha1_fmt_plug.o notes_common_plug.o
notes_fmt_plug.o nsec3_fmt_plug.o nt2_fmt_plug.o ntlmv1_mschapv2_fmt_plug.o
nukedclan_fmt_plug.o o10glogon_fmt_plug.o o3logon_fmt_plug.o
o5logon_fmt_plug.o oaes_lib_plug.o office_common_plug.o office_fmt_plug.o
oldoffice_fmt_plug.o openbsdsoftraid_common_plug.o
openbsdsoftraid_fmt_plug.o openssl_code_plug.o openssl_enc_fmt_plug.o
oracle11_fmt_plug.o oracle12c_fmt_plug.o oracle_fmt_plug.o osc_fmt_plug.o
ospf_fmt_plug.o padlock_fmt_plug.o palshop_fmt_plug.o panama_fmt_plug.o
pbkdf2-hmac-md4_fmt_plug.o pbkdf2-hmac-md5_fmt_plug.o
pbkdf2-hmac-sha1_fmt_plug.o pbkdf2-hmac-sha512_fmt_plug.o
pbkdf2_hmac_common_plug.o pbkdf2_hmac_sha256_fmt_plug.o pdf_fmt_plug.o
pdfcrack_md5_plug.o pem_common_plug.o pem_fmt_plug.o pfx_common_plug.o
pfx_fmt_plug.o pgpdisk_common_plug.o pgpdisk_fmt_plug.o pgpsda_common_plug.o
pgpsda_fmt_plug.o pgpwde_common_plug.o pgpwde_fmt_plug.o
phpassMD5_fmt_plug.o phpass_common_plug.o pixMD5_fmt_plug.o pkcs12_plug.o
pkzip_fmt_plug.o plaintext_fmt_plug.o pomelo_fmt_plug.o pomelo_plug.o
postgres_fmt_plug.o pst_fmt_plug.o putty_fmt_plug.o pwsafe_fmt_plug.o
qnx_fmt_plug.o racf_fmt_plug.o radmin_fmt_plug.o rakp_fmt_plug.o
rar5_fmt_plug.o rar_fmt_plug.o rawBLAKE2_512_fmt_plug.o
rawKeccak_256_fmt_plug.o rawKeccak_512_fmt_plug.o rawMD4_fmt_plug.o
rawMD5_fmt_plug.o rawMD5flat_fmt_plug.o rawSHA1_common_plug.o
rawSHA1_fmt_plug.o rawSHA1_linkedIn_fmt_plug.o rawSHA1_ng_fmt_plug.o
rawSHA224_fmt_plug.o rawSHA256_common_plug.o rawSHA256_fmt_plug.o
rawSHA256_ng_fmt_plug.o rawSHA384_fmt_plug.o rawSHA512_common_plug.o
rawSHA512_fmt_plug.o rawSHA512_ng_fmt_plug.o rawmd5u_fmt_plug.o
ripemd_fmt_plug.o rsvp_fmt_plug.o salted_sha1_common_plug.o
salted_sha1_fmt_plug.o sapB_fmt_plug.o sapG_fmt_plug.o sapH_fmt_plug.o
securezip_common_plug.o securezip_fmt_plug.o serpent_plug.o
sha1crypt_common_plug.o sha1crypt_fmt_plug.o sha256crypt_fmt_plug.o
sha3_512_fmt_plug.o sha512crypt_fmt_plug.o siemens-s7_fmt_plug.o
sip_fmt_plug.o skein_fmt_plug.o sl3_common_plug.o sl3_fmt_plug.o
slow_hash_plug.o snefru_fmt_plug.o snefru_plug.o snmp_fmt_plug.o
ssh_ng_fmt_plug.o ssha512_fmt_plug.o sspr_common_plug.o sspr_fmt_plug.o
stribog_fmt_plug.o strip_fmt_plug.o sunmd5_fmt_plug.o syb-prop_repro_plug.o
tacacs_plus_fmt_plug.o tcp_md5_fmt_plug.o tiger_fmt_plug.o
truecrypt_fmt_plug.o twofish_plug.o vdi_fmt_plug.o vms_fmt_plug.o
vnc_fmt_plug.o vtp_fmt_plug.o wbb3_fmt_plug.o whirlpool_fmt_plug.o
wow_srp_fmt_plug.o wpapmk_fmt_plug.o wpapsk_fmt_plug.o xmpp_scram_fmt_plug.o
xts_plug.o zip_fmt_plug.o zipmonster_fmt_plug.o dyna_salt.o dummy.o gost.o
common-gpu.o batch.o bench.o charset.o common.o compiler.o config.o
cracker.o crc32.o external.o formats.o getopt.o idle.o inc.o john.o list.o
loader.o logger.o mask.o mask_ext.o memory.o misc.o options.o params.o
path.o recovery.o rpp.o rules.o signals.o single.o status.o tty.o
wordlist.o mkv.o mkvlib.o listconf.o fake_salts.o win32_memmap.o
uaf_encode.o unicode.o unshadow.o unafs.o undrop.o regex.o pp.o c3_fmt.o
lzma/LzmaDec.o lzma/Lzma2Dec.o unique.o gpg2john.o memdbg.o x86-64.o
simd-intrinsics.o -g -m64 -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib64 -L/usr/lib64
-L/lib64 -lssl -lcrypto -fopenmp -pthread -lm -lz -ldl -lcrypt
-lbz2 aes/aes.a secp256k1/secp256k1.a -o ../run/john

rm -f ../run/unshadow

cp -pR john ../run/unshadow

cp: cannot stat `john': No such file or directory

make[1]: *** [../run/unshadow] Error 1

make[1]: Leaving directory `/JohnTheRipper/src'

make: *** [default] Error 2

* Robert B. Harris from VA

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2018-03-21 17:53:24 UTC
Post by r***@netscape.net
I get an error when compiling the latest version of JtR bleeding on Centos 6
and 7.
Can this please get corrected?
The same bleeding code successfully compiles in Cygwin.
I first started seeing this in early February. My Centos is up to date.
rm -f ../run/unshadow
cp -pR john ../run/unshadow
cp: cannot stat `john': No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [../run/unshadow] Error 1
What's the exact "./configure" command you used?

2018-03-21 18:04:07 UTC
./configure with no parameters

-----Original Message-----
From: magnum <***@hushmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 1:53 PM
To: john-***@lists.openwall.com
Subject: Re: [john-dev] error when compiling the latest version of JtR bleeding on Centos 6 and 7
Post by r***@netscape.net
I get an error when compiling the latest version of JtR bleeding on
Centos 6 and 7.
Can this please get corrected?
The same bleeding code successfully compiles in Cygwin.
I first started seeing this in early February. My Centos is up to date.
rm -f ../run/unshadow
cp -pR john ../run/unshadow
cp: cannot stat `john': No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [../run/unshadow] Error 1
What's the exact "./configure" command you used?


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2018-03-21 18:19:29 UTC
Post by r***@netscape.net
./configure with no parameters
The "cp -pR" line that fails should normally be "ln -s" and that's why
there is no path involved. Apparently the (standard parts of) configure
script changed it to "cp -pR"... Are you somehow building on a
filesystem that doesn't support symlinks?

Post by r***@netscape.net
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: [john-dev] error when compiling the latest version of JtR bleeding on Centos 6 and 7
Post by r***@netscape.net
I get an error when compiling the latest version of JtR bleeding on
Centos 6 and 7.
Can this please get corrected?
The same bleeding code successfully compiles in Cygwin.
I first started seeing this in early February. My Centos is up to date.
rm -f ../run/unshadow
cp -pR john ../run/unshadow
cp: cannot stat `john': No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [../run/unshadow] Error 1
What's the exact "./configure" command you used?
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2018-03-21 19:16:27 UTC
Problem resoled!

Your prompting below made me think this problem might have something to do with these files being a vmware share, since my host machine is windows.

I copied the JtR files from the vmware share to the local file system. Then did a make clean, configure, and make.

This time it worked!!!

So, lesson learned: Don't try to compile JtR from a vmware share, when cross platform is involved.


-Robert B. Harris from VA

-----Original Message-----
From: magnum <***@hushmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 2:19 PM
To: john-***@lists.openwall.com
Subject: Re: [john-dev] error when compiling the latest version of JtR bleeding on Centos 6 and 7
Post by r***@netscape.net
./configure with no parameters
The "cp -pR" line that fails should normally be "ln -s" and that's why there is no path involved. Apparently the (standard parts of) configure script changed it to "cp -pR"... Are you somehow building on a filesystem that doesn't support symlinks?

This system supports symlinks

Post by r***@netscape.net
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: [john-dev] error when compiling the latest version of JtR
bleeding on Centos 6 and 7
Post by r***@netscape.net
I get an error when compiling the latest version of JtR bleeding on
Centos 6 and 7.
Can this please get corrected?
The same bleeding code successfully compiles in Cygwin.
I first started seeing this in early February. My Centos is up to date.
rm -f ../run/unshadow
cp -pR john ../run/unshadow
cp: cannot stat `john': No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [../run/unshadow] Error 1
What's the exact "./configure" command you used?
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Solar Designer
2018-03-25 19:10:46 UTC
Post by r***@netscape.net
So, lesson learned: Don't try to compile JtR from a vmware share, when cross platform is involved.
Also, this thread should have been on john-users, not john-dev. But
thanks anyway!

